Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Tremendous Threesome!

We are so excited to introduce this beautiful sibling group to you! 
Meet Jeremy, Mikaila, and Mark*!

Jeremy is an active nine year old boy who loves his older brother and younger sister. He cares about their well being, and his kindness is demonstrated in his ability to maintain relationships with peers. Jeremy is also very respectful toward adults and respects limits. He is an easy going child and communicates openly with adults. Honesty and empathy are his strongest qualities. Jeremy’s favorite activities are playing soccer, riding bikes, and playing videos games. He also loves playing with and caring for puppies!  

Mark is a respectful and happy ten year old boy. He likes to have a smile on his face and is often found making people laugh. In occasion he has trouble controlling his temper. However, it is easy for him to make and maintain friendships because he is excellent at communicating his needs. Mark does not like to talk in public and is very protective of his younger siblings. His favorite activities are soccer, tennis, bike riding, and going to the park.

Mikaila is a happy six year old girl who is respectful and has the ability to understand limits. Her academic performance demonstrates her intelligence. Mikaila likes to do new activities that are presented to her. It is easy for her to maintain and makes new friends. She often takes the initiative to start games with peers. Some of her favorite activities are homework, drawing, reading, putting puzzles together, playing with dolls, and dancing! 

Could these three children be part of your family?
 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 
Click here if you are ready to get started on your adoption process! 

*The names have been altered to protect their privacy. 
Per Colombian law Gladney has received permission to advocate via social media for these children.  If you or someone you know is interested in adopting a child from Colombia or advocating for orphans feel free to share this link.  Please do not copy the photos or publish them 

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